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13 April 2022 - News

Unfarmed now. Uninhabited when? Agriculture and climate change in Iraq


Small-scale farmers in Iraq are among the most affected groups in Iraq by climate change and water scarcity. With the reduction of rainfall and soaring temperature, agricultural production is dropping, and farmers’ ability to cope is hindered. Affected farmers are exhausted and feel that they are left alone in the face of crisis. Many farmers leave their lands and look for better opportunities away from their land and the urban areas. Duty bearers need to mobilize resources and political well to support farmers and the agricultural sector through a national strategy with a clear vision of the current needs and a comprehensive forecast of the impacts of climate change. While agriculture is at the heart of Iraq’s past and present, its position in the country’s future is at risk. Oxfam in Iraq, World Vision Iraq, and Save the Children Iraq have joined efforts to look into and impact of that on farming communities in Iraq.


The report found that children are among the groups seriously affected, as migration can lead to families adopting negative coping strategies that can severely impact children. Many respondents reported that children were dropping out of school, in some cases, to help provide income for their families. As drought affects families’ abilities to secure their needs from agriculture alone, children will go to work to diversify sources of income to meet their daily needs. 


“Our children left school and went to work; it is all because of the deterioration in agriculture.” – Female farmer, Mosul.

Read Report Full report here